The Lost Cycle
The Lost Cycle
2016 | 25 minutes | 16mm | silent
This cycle of seven 16mm in-camera sketches came about as a result of the process of going through my negatives after many years of neglect -- I found these otherwise lost moments in my filmography, moments that had meaning, which I had intended to do things with but never got around to doing, and decided to release them as a coming to terms with my karma for the medium.
Reflections I (2016, 3', 16mm)
Reflections II (2016, 4'30", 16mm)
Passage (2016, 3'55", 16mm)
Seasons: Fall (2016, 3'15", 16mm)
Field (2016, 2', 16mm)
Gulf (2016, 6', 16mm)
Flightfilm (2016, 2'30", 16mm)
2016 Open City Cinema, Winnipeg, MB.
2016 Early Monthly Segments, Toronto, ON.
2016 Canadian Film Institute, Ottawa, ON.
2016 la lumière, Montreal, QC.